flight scheduling software

LLOV - Ovda International Airport Airport ... Negev, , IL

Lat / Long: 29.94025, 34.93585
Lights: None
Elevation: 1492 FT
U.S. Customs: No
Time Zone: Asia/Jerusalem   UTC 2 (3 DST)
Time: 04:04 AM [0104 UTC]
Tower: No
Daylight Savings: Yes   Mar 29   -   Oct 27

Airport Services Information

Service Type Phone Email Website
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Airport Distance mi Distance km Runway ft Runway m Best JetA Best 100LL
LLOV Ovda International Airport 0 mi 0 km 9835 ft 2998 m -- --
LLER Ramon 15 mi 25 km 11810 ft 3599 m -- --
OJAQ Aqaba International Airport (King Hussein International Airport) 23 mi 37 km 9854 ft 3003 m -- --
HETB Taba International 26 mi 41 km 13122 ft 3999 m -- --
LLET Eilat Airport (J. Hozman Airport) 26 mi 42 km 6233 ft 1900 m -- --

Arrivals Per 365 Days

LLOV Airport 0

This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in AirplaneManager.com scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.