flight scheduling software

KSBN - South Bend Rgnl Airport ... South Bend, IN, US

Lat / Long: 41.70822, -86.31733
Lights: DawnDusk
Elevation: 799 FT
U.S. Customs: 5742329650
Time Zone: America/Indiana/Indianapolis   UTC -5 (-5 DST)
Time: 08:13 AM [1313 UTC]
Tower: Yes
Daylight Savings: No
Corporate Wings - Preferred FBO
Fuel Prices
Jet-A 6.39
100LL 7.20
AM Preferred Discount Yes
Ramp Fee waived Yes with 150 gal.
Phone   574-282-4200
Email   [email protected]
Website www.corporatewings.com
M 24 Hours F 24 Hours
T 24 Hours S 24 Hours
W 24 Hours Su 24 Hours
Th 24 Hours
Pilot Lounge
NO Ramp fees with minimum fuel purchase Open : 6 A.M - Midnight 7 Days a Week
AvFuelEverestPhillipsUV AirWorld Fuel
Update your FBO
Atlantic Aviation
Fuel Prices
Jet-A 6.44
100LL 7.50
AM Preferred Discount No
Ramp Fee waived No
Phone   574-233-8285
FAX   574-233-4625
Email   [email protected]
Website www.atlanticaviation.com
M 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM F 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM
T 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM S 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM
W 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM Su 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Th 5:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Pilot Lounge
Update your FBO

Airport Services Information

Service Type Phone Email Website
Add Service
Airport Distance mi Distance km Runway ft Runway m Best JetA Best 100LL
KSBN South Bend Rgnl 0 mi 0 km 8414 ft 2564 m $6.39 $7.20
3IN7 Chain-O-Lakes 3 mi 5 km 2100 ft 640 m -- --
IN93 Hustons 5 mi 9 km 2300 ft 701 m -- --
II43 C V 7 mi 11 km 1200 ft 365 m -- --
9II2 Nelund Field 8 mi 13 km 1629 ft 496 m -- --
MI72 Nelson 9 mi 15 km 2000 ft 609 m -- --
K3TR Jerry Tyler Memorial 10 mi 16 km 4100 ft 1249 m -- $5.50
30MI Wolvertons Field 10 mi 16 km 1200 ft 365 m -- --
6MI6 Hancock 11 mi 18 km 2000 ft 609 m -- --
IN82 Foos Field 12 mi 19 km 2400 ft 731 m -- --

Arrivals Per 365 Days

KSBN Airport 308
Atlantic Aviation 59
Corporate Wings 249

This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in AirplaneManager.com scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.