flight scheduling software

KGEG - Spokane Intl Airport ... Spokane, WA, US

Lat / Long: 47.61903, -117.53522
Lights: DawnDusk
Elevation: 2385 FT
U.S. Customs: 509.353.2833
Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles   UTC -8 (-8 DST)
Time: 01:21 PM [2121 UTC]
Tower: Yes
Daylight Savings: No
Fuel Prices
Jet-A 7.18
100LL 6.95
AM Preferred Discount No
Ramp Fee waived No
Phone   509.455.5204
FAX   509.455.5272
Email   [email protected]
Website www.signatureflight.com
M 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM F 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM
T 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM S 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM
W 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM Su 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Th 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Pilot Lounge
Handling fee can be waived with minimum fuel purchase. Minimum Gallon Fuel Purchase Examples: Single Engine- 7-30 depending on aircraft Light Twin / Jet Fuel Aircraft - 60 and up Turbo Prop- 90 Very Light Jet- 90 Light Jet- 220 Midsize Jet- 290 Super Mid- 425 Heavy Jet- 500
AEGAvFuelColtEPICEverestSignatureUV AirWorld Fuel
Update your FBO
Aero Center
Fuel Prices
Jet-A 7.10
100LL 6.95
AM Preferred Discount No
Ramp Fee waived No
Phone   509-206-9256
Email   [email protected]
Website aerocenters.com
M 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM F 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
T 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM S 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
W 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM Su 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Th 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Pilot Lounge
6,000-sq-ft terminal with passenger and pilot lounges, snooze room, showers, 12-seat conference room, concierge, business center, dishwashing service, and crew cars. Located on the east side of the field adjacent to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, it also offers courtesy transportation, vehicle ramp access, and 1,200 sq ft of office space. 27K Hangar available and deicing
AEGAvFuelCAAEverestTitanWorld Fuel
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Airport Services Information

Service Type Phone Email Website
Add Service
Airport Distance mi Distance km Runway ft Runway m Best JetA Best 100LL
KGEG Spokane Intl 0 mi 0 km 11002 ft 3353 m $7.10 $6.95
KSKA Fairchild Afb 5 mi 9 km 13899 ft 4236 m -- --
04WA Ox Meadows 5 mi 8 km 1800 ft 548 m -- --
8AN6 Isaacson 7 mi 11 km 750 ft 228 m -- --
12WA Fowlers Nw 40 7 mi 12 km 1550 ft 472 m -- --
11WA Homeport 7 mi 11 km 1960 ft 597 m -- --
10WA Mullan Hill 7 mi 11 km 2200 ft 670 m -- --
KSFF Felts Field 10 mi 17 km 6000 ft 1828 m $7.49 $7.74
WA62 Paradise Air Ranch 11 mi 18 km 2700 ft 822 m -- --
K70S Mead Flying Service 14 mi 22 km 2481 ft 756 m -- --

Arrivals Per 365 Days

KGEG Airport 135
Aero Center 74
Signature 61

This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in AirplaneManager.com scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.