LFHP - Le Puy Loudes Airport Airport ... Le Puy, , FR
Lat / Long: | 45.08069, 3.76289 |
Lights: | None |
Elevation: | 2731 FT |
U.S. Customs: | No |
Time Zone: | Europe/Paris UTC 1 (1 DST) |
Time: | 08:58 PM [1958 UTC] |
Tower: | No |
Daylight Savings: | No |
Airports Nearby LFHP
Airport | Distance mi | Distance km | Runway ft | Runway m | Best JetA | Best 100LL | |
LFHP | Le Puy Loudes Airport | 0 mi | 0 km | 4741 ft | 1445 m | -- | -- |
LFHQ | Saint-Flour Coltines Airport | 37 mi | 60 km | 4297 ft | 1310 m | -- | -- |
LFMH | Saint-Étienne Bouthéon Airport | 41 mi | 66 km | 7545 ft | 2300 m | -- | -- |
LFNB | Mende Brenoux Airport | 41 mi | 66 km | 4264 ft | 1299 m | -- | -- |
LFHO | Aubenas Ardeche Meridionale Airport | 47 mi | 76 km | 4675 ft | 1424 m | -- | -- |
Arrivals Per 365 Days
LFHP Airport | 0 |
This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in AirplaneManager.com scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.