flight scheduling software

KMLB - Melbourne Intl Airport ... Melbourne, FL, US

Lat / Long: 28.10275, -80.64526
Lights: DawnDusk
Elevation: 33 FT
U.S. Customs: 321.674.5796
Time Zone: America/New_York   UTC -5 (-5 DST)
Time: 04:06 PM [2106 UTC]
Tower: Yes
Daylight Savings: No
F.I.T. Aviation Llc
Fuel Prices
Jet-A N/A
100LL 5.90
AM Preferred Discount No
Ramp Fee waived No
Phone   321-674-6501
FAX   321-674-6510
Email   [email protected]
Website www.fitaviation.com
M 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM F 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM
T 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM S 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM
W 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM Su 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Th 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Pilot Lounge
Flight ops and ramp frequency: 123.30 Verify ramp availability by calling (321) 674-6501. First night tie-down fee is waived with fuel purchase (20 gal min). Overnight tie-down fees range from $7-$20 Landing fees applicable to aircraft weighing 12,500 lbs or more
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Sheltair MLB
Fuel Prices
Jet-A 6.59
100LL 7.60
AM Preferred Discount No
Ramp Fee waived No
Phone   321-956-8695
FAX   321-956-8696
Email   [email protected]
Website sheltairaviation.com
M 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM F 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM
T 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM S 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM
W 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM Su 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Th 06:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Pilot Lounge
Expectations are astronomical in the epicenter of Florida’s aerospace, marine life, and beach past-times, but Sheltair MLB rises to the challenge.
AvFuelCAAColtEverestEVOUV AirWorld Fuel
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Airport Services Information

Service Type Phone Email Website
Add Service
Airport Distance mi Distance km Runway ft Runway m Best JetA Best 100LL
KMLB Melbourne Intl 0 mi 0 km 10181 ft 3103 m $6.59 $5.90
KZ11 Z11 Testing 9 mi 14 km 2000 ft 609 m $1.00 $2.00
KCOF Patrick Afb 9 mi 15 km 9022 ft 2750 m -- --
KZ10 Z10 Test 9 mi 15 km 2000 ft 609 m -- --
TEST Test 11 mi 17 km 20000 ft 6096 m $1.00 $5.00
KX59 Valkaria 11 mi 17 km 4000 ft 1219 m -- $6.00
21FA Rockledge 14 mi 22 km 2010 ft 612 m -- --
FD74 Gamebird Groves Airstrip 15 mi 25 km 2639 ft 804 m -- --
KCOI Merritt Island 16 mi 26 km 3600 ft 1097 m $6.55 $6.80
KX26 Sebastian Muni 21 mi 35 km 4024 ft 1226 m -- $4.50

Arrivals Per 365 Days

KMLB Airport 93
Atlantic Jet Center(Now Closed) 1
Sheltair MLB 92

This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in AirplaneManager.com scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.