flight scheduling software

ID88 - Tracy Ranch Airport ... Hill City, ID, US

Lat / Long: 43.28740, -115.08007
Lights: None
Elevation: 5071 FT
U.S. Customs: No
Time Zone: America/Boise   UTC -7 (-7 DST)
Time: 10:20 AM [1720 UTC]
Tower: No
Daylight Savings: No

Airport Services Information

Service Type Phone Email Website
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Airport Distance mi Distance km Runway ft Runway m Best JetA Best 100LL
ID88 Tracy Ranch 0 mi 0 km 3300 ft 1005 m -- --
KU86 Camas County 14 mi 23 km 2950 ft 899 m -- --
K1U9 Pine 16 mi 27 km 2300 ft 701 m -- --
0ID0 South Fork Ranch 22 mi 35 km 3000 ft 914 m -- --
KU89 Glenns Ferry Muni 26 mi 43 km 3050 ft 929 m -- --
K2U0 Smith Prairie 27 mi 44 km 5400 ft 1645 m -- --
KGNG Gooding Muni 30 mi 48 km 4745 ft 1446 m $4.55 $5.44
0ID3 Coyote Run 33 mi 53 km 2639 ft 804 m -- --
KU93 Magic Reservoir 34 mi 55 km 4000 ft 1219 m -- --
0ID4 Black Butte Ranch 34 mi 56 km 3150 ft 960 m -- --

Arrivals Per 365 Days

ID88 Airport 0

This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in AirplaneManager.com scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.