CYEM - Manitowaning/Manitoulin East Muni Airport ... Manitowaning, , CA
Lat / Long: | 45.84278, -81.85806 |
Lights: | None |
Elevation: | 870 FT |
U.S. Customs: | No |
Time Zone: | America/Toronto UTC -5 (-5 DST) |
Time: | 09:24 AM [1424 UTC] |
Tower: | No |
Daylight Savings: | No |
Airports Nearby CYEM
Airport | Distance mi | Distance km | Runway ft | Runway m | Best JetA | Best 100LL | |
CYEM | Manitowaning/Manitoulin East Muni | 0 mi | 0 km | 3497 ft | 1066 m | -- | -- |
CPT2 | Killarney | 19 mi | 31 km | 3500 ft | 1066 m | -- | -- |
CYZE | Gore Bay-Manitoulin | 34 mi | 55 km | 4924 ft | 1500 m | -- | -- |
CNR4 | Tobermory | 44 mi | 71 km | 3179 ft | 969 m | -- | -- |
CYEL | Elliot Lake Muni | 48 mi | 78 km | 4495 ft | 1370 m | -- | -- |
Arrivals Per 365 Days
CYEM Airport | 0 |
This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.