flight scheduling software

CA77 - Ridgecrest Community Hospital Airport ... Ridgecrest, CA, US

Lat / Long: 35.64107, -117.67145
Lights: None
Elevation: 2290 FT
U.S. Customs: No
Time Zone: America/Los_Angeles   UTC -8 (-8 DST)
Time: 08:27 AM [1627 UTC]
Tower: No
Daylight Savings: No

Airport Services Information

Service Type Phone Email Website
Add Service
Airport Distance mi Distance km Runway ft Runway m Best JetA Best 100LL
KNID China Lake Naws Armitage Fld 3 mi 5 km 9993 ft 3045 m -- --
KIYK Inyokern 8 mi 14 km 7100 ft 2164 m $7.40 $5.65
KL72 Trona 22 mi 36 km 5929 ft 1807 m -- --
91CL Sacatar Meadows 33 mi 53 km 3300 ft 1005 m -- --
68CN Porter Ranch 35 mi 57 km 2600 ft 792 m -- --
CN37 Kelso Valley 35 mi 57 km 3987 ft 1215 m -- --
KL71 California City Muni 38 mi 62 km 6027 ft 1837 m $5.85 $6.30
KL05 Kern Valley 42 mi 68 km 3500 ft 1066 m -- --
57CL Boron Airstrip 44 mi 70 km 2400 ft 731 m -- --
K9L2 Edwards Af Aux North Base 46 mi 74 km 5997 ft 1828 m -- --

Arrivals Per 365 Days

CA77 Airport 0

This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in AirplaneManager.com scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.