69NC - Clutes Hilltop Airport ... Forest City, NC, US
Lat / Long: | 35.43401, -81.85121 |
Lights: | None |
Elevation: | 1078 FT |
U.S. Customs: | No |
Time Zone: | America/New_York UTC -5 (-4 DST) |
Time: | 05:13 AM [0913 UTC] |
Tower: | No |
Daylight Savings: | Yes Mar 09 - Nov 02 |
Airports Nearby 69NC
Airport | Distance mi | Runway ft | Best JetA | Best 100LL | |
69NC | Clutes Hilltop | 0 mi | 2200 ft | -- | -- |
KFQD | Rutherford Co - Marchman Field | 4 mi | 5000 ft | $6.40 | $6.50 |
8NC2 | Summey Airpark | 10 mi | 2500 ft | -- | -- |
58NC | Fox Haven Plantation | 12 mi | 2000 ft | -- | -- |
29NC | 29Nc | 15 mi | 1843 ft | -- | -- |
NC02 | Boomerang | 15 mi | 2000 ft | -- | -- |
3NC0 | Clyde Valley | 19 mi | 1750 ft | -- | -- |
38SC | La Dolce Terra | 18 mi | 2300 ft | -- | -- |
56NC | Wheat Field | 18 mi | 1500 ft | -- | -- |
NC97 | Dirt Dobbers Grass Strip | 19 mi | 1600 ft | -- | -- |
Arrivals Per 365 Days
69NC Airport | 0 |
This information is only a sample of the arrivals scheduled in AirplaneManager.com scheduling software
and is not representative of data/information from the FAA or aviation industry.